Friday, January 25, 2008

Well, here's to a new blog.

So apparently Xanga is no more. I've been quite the fan of Xanga for most of high school, but it seems that everyone that blogs uses this snazzy little site. Which I rather like so far, by the way.

I often wonder what the purpose of blogging is... it seems a lot of people use it as a release for their deepest feelings and thoughts and rants in the hopes of being anonymous while still knowing that someone out in this vast cyberworld will hear them. Some people blog because it is simply something to do. Hum. So why does this girl right here blog? For the sake of it? For anonymity? Nah. I blog because I have to- writing is something that has been ingrained within me, and whether it's in a blog or on a note on facebook or in a journal, I must do it. So for everything I write here- most of it probably will be uninteresting to people aside from myself. But perhaps something that I am going through and write about will inspire or encourage someone else who is going through the same thing?

So this blog will be used as... we'll see. We'll see what happens with it. I pray that occasionally this would reach someone who may be able to identify with and be encouraged by my struggles, my failures, my joys, and my successes. And I myself am by no means extraordinary enough that I am worthy of reading about, but God has given me an incredible gift of life and I feel like it would be a crime to keep that all to myself. So this blog is about life. In words. So take what you want from it. I'll put what I can into it.


ps- Who invented the word blog? I hereby vow to never use that word again...


Muetteronomy said...

Welcome to the "blogging" world. I must say I'm not a big fan of the word either. But it'll probably come out of my mouth again.

Thanks for your sweet words. I don't know what to say besides that, but I'm excited to be a reader of your blog! Love you!

Dan said...

Hey Andrea,

Melissa did not go to that show. I went with Tony Santoro and Jake Foster. Manchester Orchestra was amazing! I got their CD and love it but mewithoutYou holds a very special place in my heart so I enjoyed them a great deal. I saw them again since that show and they were way better the second time. Good job on the blog!

X-tina said...

I am glad you got a "blog"!