Saturday, December 26, 2009

Food for thought

Whew. I feel like I've spent the day killing the fattened calf. Inspired to become more environmentally conscious, green, and resourceful, I decided to try my hand at making home-made broth out of the nasty, leftover turkey carcass from last night's fabulous dinner. I realize I have a ways to go before I can be stamped officially green... turkey was most definitely not free range or organically fed or grown, but as far as my suburban, frozen-meal upbringing is concerned, I feel as though I did alright. Yay for resourcefulness and for learning something new! But as far as the effort put into it... it boiled for four hours. I guess this wasn't a great deal of effort on my part, but it feels like it took all day anyways.

I've been reading a book called Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. My friend Julia gave it to me with the highest recommendations, and that means a lot coming from someone as avid a reader as she. I was leery of it and left it sit on my bedside table for almost the entire semester before I picked it up over Thanksgiving. It's brilliant! The author has a passion for growing and eating foods the way they are meant to eaten: locally, without modifications, and only while in season. The book is a memoir of the first year that her family went "locavore," and I'm loving every minute of it. Pick up this book, it's a good one to chew on. ;)

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