Monday, December 28, 2009

good day, bad ending

I love longtime friends. Being away at college most of the time and having made a lot of new wonderful friends, I think I take old friends very much for granted. This is slightly cheeze- but remember the old Girl Scout song, "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold?" Now I know what that means. New friends are wonderful, but there is a certain comfort in spending time with people that you've grown up with and share a common background with. I spent time with Misha and Kristen today, whom I've known since 3rd and 7th grade, resepectively. Wonderful!

Kristen and I went on a spontaneous hike up and around the ridge in the morning. Another thing I've come to appreciate since moving away- Pleasanton beauty. I grew up in a beautiful valley surrounded by foothills that are often brown, but are amazing during the rainy season when they are green. Especially when you hike up to a place on the ridge where you can see beyond the actual city of Pleasanton and to all the surrounding, empty land. Green, beautiful... bahhh I love it! And we came across some friendly cows, too. Cow-tipping would have been real easy for how close they were to us...

So, where's the bad ending, you may ask? Let me tell you. I just ate the most disappointing golden delicious apple I've eaten in quite some time. Golden delicious my left foot!! Try golden tasteless-and-bitter!! Bummer. Maybe this is what Barbara Kingsolver is talkking about in her tirade against supermarket out-of-season fruits and veggies. Ah, well, at least the texture was good.


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